Quake 2 on Raspberry Pi

![quake 2](https://misapuntesde.com/images/2013/09/quake2.jpg)

Every Friday we must take our Pi to play, and nothing better to do it in front of a classic. Do you dare?.

Based on the *yamagi* port, this brings us by *Pickle* uses OpenGL ES from our Raspi.

Little more to say. Enjoy the weekend, I must turn to learn *Bash* for something that you will like ...


Download: [quake2_rpi.zip](http://pickle.gp2x.de/rpi/quake2_rpi.zip)

Forum: [raspberrypi.org > Quake2 (yamagi based port)](http://www.raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=54683)

Quake 2 finished on 21 minutes