Winter is comming and I'm sure you spend more time at home tinkering with our Pi. This week we will see how to remove components of our minicomputer, a program to audit wireless networks and build you own *Bartop*.
**Slimming a Raspberry Pi:** Now comes a time of abundant food and should lose a few Kg. Your Pi also wants to lose a few grams and some height for those projects that need it. *Adafruit* help us to eliminate parts of your *Raspberry Pi* but beware, it's not easy. | [learn.adafruit.com > Diet Raspberry Pi](https://learn.adafruit.com/diet-raspberry-pi?view=all)
**FruityWifi:** It's a tool to audit wireless networks for *Debian* systems. Very useful and easy to use with a cool Web interface that reaches version 2.0. It's worth a try for all the modules that brings incorporated. | [FruityWifi](http://www.fruitywifi.com)

**Bartop arcade with two players:** I love gaming. Just name them and I go back in time, transported to those video arcades where we shared those afternoons with a few coins and freak people. If you can't get one because the size, I recommend a *Bartop* that fits anywhere. | [instructables.com > 2-Player-Bartop-Arcade-Machine-Powered-by-Pi](http://www.instructables.com/id/2-Player-Bartop-Arcade-Machine-Powered-by-Pi/?ALLSTEPS)
Happy weekend!