EXTRA!: Possible new x86 emulator


One of the things that attract me from *Raspberry Pi* was emulation. Unfortunately,*Dosbox* port it's very slow in most distributions (It's said that on *RISCOS* works fine).

I got in touch with *Patrick*, developer of one of the best *Nintendo DS* x86 emulators, to see if it would be possible a port from a86, and this is what he said:


*I am currently working on an Android port (called ax86) of my DSx86 emulator, but after I get that done I would like to at least look into porting it to Raspberry Pi as well. I believe much of the stuff I do for Android I can also use with Raspberry Pi, and I would not even need to worry about keyboard and mouse emulation, as I can use the real hardware. :-)*

*So, in short, yes it is possible, and I might start working on it some time in the future."*

Reference: [ax86 blog](http://rpix86.patrickaalto.com/rblog.html)