Raspberry Pi 4 with 64 bits kernel


Image Added support for 64-bit kernel in [Medium](https://medium.com/@kavoshex/raspian-added-support-for-64-bit-kernel-6cf27c2b26db)

I saw weeks ago in the [Novaspirit Tech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4su3nr68iX8) channel video how we can change the Pi kernel to a 64-bit one, although it won't be much help in an operating system with 32-bit compiled applications and libraries, but it's a beginning.

The first thing to do is run the following:

sudo rpi-update

And now we edit the file */boot/config.txt* to add the following:



That's it. Restart and running *uname -a* we can see that the system is using a 64-bit kernel if it shows the text **aarch64**.