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Here you can find info about Raspberry PI, ODROID, Linux and any other ideas.

Happy new year!


Well, today, the 31st, believe it or not, I'm working and my wife has been into hospital a few days, but everything is fine now. I hope to have time next year to update the blog more and generate more personal content. I didn't want to leave the year without greeting you. I hope you have a good end and begin of the year, wherever you are.


LibreELEC (Leia) 9.2 Beta 2 for Raspberry Pi


We have a new release a couple of weeks ago and wanted to talk about it. I was following the track due to an error that prevented playing *DOSBox* on Pi4 and **have finally solved**. It comes with *Kodi v18.4* and is expected to appear in a few days a new release with version 18.5.

[Continue reading...](post.php?id=918)

Initial Turbo on Raspberry Pi to speed up boot times


I read it in an update of my favorite distro *DietPi* and didn't know this option.

If you add to */boot/config.txt* the next option:


will force the *CPU* to a higher frequency at startup **for a few seconds** to improve the time it takes to boot. It can be set at *dietpi-config > Performance Options > ARM Initial Turbo* if you prefer.

I advise you to read the following link, especially if you use some kind of *overclock*.

  • info: [github.com > raspberrypi/firmware](https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/issues/1005)

Connect to shared folders on Raspberry Pi from macOS using the AFP protocol


Photo courtesy of https://static.cachem.fr

We have many and varied ways to connect to a Pi to see-copy the files that are in it: *ftp, scp, rsync, nfs, smb*... But if you use *macOS*, you have available the *Apple Filing Protocol (AFP)*, which is a network protocol owned by *Apple* to *"fight"* against *Samba or Network File System*. If you have problems when configuring these last ones and you can't access your *Raspberry* files, today I propose you to **configure it in 3 simple steps**.

[Continue reading...](post.php?id=916)

News this week in the Pi World!


I would like to take a serene and calm Sunday walk, or sit down to search news about *Raspberry Pi* without being disturbed by anyone... You're lucky, I opt for the second so you can do the first for me.

[Continue reading...](post.php?id=915)

Play Diablo 1 on Raspberry Pi 4

![Diablo 1](https://misapuntesde.com/images/2019/10/diablo1.jpg)

All the glory goes to the person who's bringing this *Blizzard* game to other platforms. His *Github's* account is [diasurgical](https://github.com/diasurgical/devilutionX/). Now **you can enjoy the game on your Raspberry Pi 3 or 4 natively**.

For those who don't know, *Diablo* is a mix of action and *RPG* that invites us to travel to hell to see our faces with his master and lord. It was released in 1997 for PC and is one of those games that marked a before and after in the video game industry.

It's not yet possible to have it translated into languages other than *English*, but some people are working on it.

You can download the script to install it, as always, from my project [PiKISS](https://github.com/jmcerrejon/PiKISS).


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