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News this week in the Pi World!


Here we are another *Friday* to enjoy fresh news, relevant information and some other advice that never hurts. Today we'll see *64 bit* operating systems, *Docker*, *Raspbian* updates and a racing game, so let's get into this fast-paced **Pi World**!

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Raspberry Pi 4 with 64 bits kernel


Image Added support for 64-bit kernel in [Medium](https://medium.com/@kavoshex/raspian-added-support-for-64-bit-kernel-6cf27c2b26db)

I saw weeks ago in the [Novaspirit Tech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4su3nr68iX8) channel video how we can change the Pi kernel to a 64-bit one, although it won't be much help in an operating system with 32-bit compiled applications and libraries, but it's a beginning.

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Sharing the internet connection from macOS to Raspberry Pi (Internet Sharing)

![WiFi sharing](https://misapuntesde.com/images/2019/09/wifi_sharing.jpg)

I work in a basement where the coverage is not very good and I only have one *Ethernet* cable which is for my *Macbook Pro*. How do I connect the Raspi or my other *SBC* to the outside world from there?. I use a **function that has macOS to share internet**. It seems the easiest coming from *Apple*, but there is a step that took me a while to solve. In this post **I'll show you how to configure it**. Don't lose detail.

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Descent 1 & 2 with DXX-Rebirth for Raspberry Pi 4


It was at the beginning of the year when I compiled again due to incompatibility problems this game in its two parts. You can see the article at [this link](https://misapuntesde.com/post.php?id=897). Now I compile the source code again so **you can play it on Raspberry Pi 4**.

I have compiled the updated repo to date. It's the version *v0.61.0 0.60.0-beta2-544-g427f45f45fdd703*.

Follow the same instructions I gave you in the post I left you and enjoy it.

News this week in the Pi World


Good day to all of you!. Already rested from a long vacation?. Great!. I've been a little disconnected from this World except for the *Atomic Pi*, but hey!, now I want to explode my Pi4 again!.

If you want to find fresh news about this crazy Pi World,... I'll be waiting for you inside!

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News this week in the Pi World!


We quickly moved on to the important thing cause I'm going on vacation and brought this post forward by one day. The Pi4 warms up in summer, and we all make an effort to keep it cool. In the meantime, new OS compatible with the new Pi and something about the Atomic Pi will also be seen in this **Pi World** summary. Let's get started!

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