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Here you can find info about Raspberry PI, ODROID, Linux and any other ideas.

News this week in the Pi World!


This week is necessary to make a review of everything that has involved the controversial case of charging the *Raspberry Pi 4* and its "*intentional*" design failure. I'm doing my own tests to the new board that has kindly given me the best store where to buy a *Raspberry Pi* + accessories and other boards in Spain, which is of course, [raspipc.es](https://www.raspipc.es/public/home/). There are many other things to write in this summary of the always exciting **Pi World**, so... what are you waiting for?

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New firmware to solve the high temperatures on your Raspberry Pi 4 available!


In summer everything is warmer, but if you don't want to put [in the fridge](https://www.electromaker.io/project/view/freezing-a-raspberry-pi-4) your *Raspberry Pi* next to the fish, **here you have available the new firmware** that have released the engineers at the Raspberry Pi Foundation to lower a few degrees our board.

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Prettier - Code formatter with PHP support on VSCode


Just a quick note: To get php support when you type 'format document' on the Command Palette, just run the next commands:

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Fresh news in the Pi World


Well, a new post was necessary to comment everything that happened last week in the Pi World. I know you miss me, so today we'll have an extra cheese with pepperoni and lots of raspberries. Let's go!

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New Raspberry Pi 4: All the info you need to know

![Rpi 4](https://misapuntesde.com/images/2019/06/rpi4.jpg)

Every year, the *Raspberry Pi* Foundation knows how to surprise us with the release of a new version of their *Raspberry Pi*. Well, today has been that day so awaited by *SBC* enthusiasts and present the **new Raspberry Pi 4** with some amazing features. We see it after the jump... Let's go!

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Atomic Pi: drivers & resources for Windows 10 x64


As I said, my enthusiasm for an *Atomic Pi* was to be able to play old classics games from 1999-2010. I have them on a hard drive and also in my memory. When people want to play *Red Dead 2 or Fortnite*, I prefer *Unreal, Quake or Serious Sam*.

Many have asked me about drivers, as they seem to be giving problems to find the right ones. I'm going to leave you in a personal *Dropbox* folder that I've shared, **all the drivers** you're going to need for your *APi*. I made the copy with a software called [DriverBackup!](https://sourceforge.net/projects/drvback/) and it comes with an executable that allows you to install all the drivers updated. Not one of the devices of the board will escape, hehe.

I'm also leaving other programs and doc I consider useful, for example all the *Visual C++* libraries in an official installer or the famous *DirectX 9* that can coexist perfectly with those that already brings *Windows 10*.

This week I will try to upload a video to [my Youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXhElW3ALmWjH_uRqVR-KRFn2WEprno4G) with the games I have tested. It's all good news, don't you think? I hope that soon you will get yours and any doubt, ask me.

Link: [dropbox.com > AtomicPi](https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kxquicutpue9ps7/AAAS3JHyYqTeWmaBEczO5EMna?dl=0)

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