Warranty Service. Raspipc.es
Warranty Service: Raspipc.es

Following this series of articles, we asked the guys at raspipc.es about it's warranty service. We bill directly with Juan de Dios, one of its creators.
When someone has contacted us have tried to fix the issue, in some cases the problem was the client and another the hardware was the problem.
What most have valued us, is that we know about the product, know what your settings and usually produce the same judgments, so the RMA that are generated usually come derived from hardware issues with the SD Card. Farnell knows something about that.*
Another common case is usually video problems, HDMI output does not work after using the RCA, or somehow have to force configuration for some TV, for that also we support.
*The new website is being prepared, and when it's ready a user may initiate a ticket and thus may better manage RMA.
The level of impact on the Raspberry can be around 1%, this little PCB number 90% is a problem in the support of SD card on one side is broken and not making good contact.
At the time that a client is contacted and referred us to a problem, we usually ask for a telephone number to contact, we talk to him, says your case and advise you on how to return it.
At the time we received the item, we check this and we send a new one from our permanent stock.
As always, we have tried to take stock of all items, some of which we are the dealer who has to bear the warranty, if the items like the wireless keyboard, which we bought directly from a supplier in China, if any incident occurs, we are who assume the cost of it, changing it for a new one and if the customer returning dismiss the purchase amount.
Another advantage of this distributor, the fastest to send you a Pi (only in Spain) to your home. Trust the amount of customers that you can read in the timeline of Twitter @Raspipc.es.
Link: raspipc.es