Exagear Desktop release v1.2
Exagear Desktop release v1.2
Eltechs has contacted me to inform you that has come a new version of this program that I commented here. This is a program for virtualizing x86 Linux applications on ARM processors. New features after the jump.
We enhanced integration of host ARM and guest x86 systems. Now shortcut of installed x86 app is automatically placed on Desktop/Start-Menu and you can run it directly from Desktop/Start-Menu just by clicking on it the same way as native ARM app.
Of course we supported new Raspbian released Sep 24 based on Debian 8 "Jessie" and provide Debian 8 "Jessie" guest image.
Also we added support for Ubuntu 15.04 and Debian 8. Corresponding guest images are also available.
We are continuing to work on performance. This time we focused on hard applications. Google Chrome launch was speeded up twice!
The update is free if you are a customer. Note that run on others ARM devices like ODROID.
Link: eltechs.com