News this week in the Pi World
News this week in the Pi World

This week seems to have been dedicated to the world of video games. I was excited to spare some time to switch on my RPI and try several things that I were pending. Today I bring a very appetizing cocktail at this hour, I hope you enjoy it.

Netbeast: I met this guys on the Raspberry Jam celebrated in Barcelona in March, 2015. I have pending an article to talk about the benefits of this development platform for the IoT. Luis, If you came back to Huelva, just give me a call 😃 |
More games for our Raspberry Pi: It is a seal of games that I remember with nostalgia, cause some of them came preinstalled on the first PC of my wife back in 2000. Apparently they will publish the catalog incrementally. |
Resources for developers: I liked this collection by Rob Jones where he plays various environments and plates for all tastes: GPIO, Python, Scratch, Sonic Pi,... |

PiCore 7.0 released I posted about it here and here. It's an operating system that runs directly on RAM, consumes very few resources (really) and last month released version 7.0. |
Raspberry Pi Star Trek LCARS interface using PyGame: I'm a Star Trek fan but not those that have been studied each chapter. I have not even seen many complete series except The Next Generation. One of the things that the people try to replicate over and over again, is the control panel or interface of the starship Enterprise. Here we have it so you can use it and it would be very original as home automation control panel, Don't you think? | > rpi_lcars
Happy weekend!