News this weeks in the Pi World
News this weeks in the Pi World

What a job it's taking to me to write on the blog!. And thanks God I don't have to develop any article. But I'm here again with a summer mix and news of a few weeks ago and this beginning of September. Do you dare to read them?... Here we go with the Pi World!

- DietPi v. 6.13: Updated this distro that I use daily with my NAS with many new features that you can read here. By the way, if you have a premium account on a hoster like Uploaded, my tutorial to use plowdown still works. If you try to install it, you will need git-core and build-essential packages. |

- Lakka 2.1.1 with Raspberry Pi 3 B+ support: It already has support for Pi 3 B+ and Amlogic S912 with updates in the libraries and applications it uses, as well as new cores. |

- Picade: The guys from Pimoroni have updated the retro arcade machine and it looks more retro and better finished than previous versions. It has a 4:3 screen and all the instructions to mount it without complications. It only needs the slot to insert the coins. |

- Stepmania updated to 5.1 Beta 2 for ODROID: This is one of those games that are played with friends and you end up laughing. Together a Karaoke, makes you have the award for best party king. Now it supports OpenGL renderer and adding the Meverick repository, you'll have it available for Debian Stretch. |

The POE HAT: Or in other words, power your Pi through the Ethernet cable and save another wire. Is it worth it? I don't see it useful unless you have a project that depends on something like that. At least it comes with a fan. For $20... |
Arduino command line interface: It seems silly, but I've missed it and we can finally develope using the command line. An add-on for VSCode is already missing. | > arduino-cli

- KDE Neon Pinebook remix edition RC image: What's doing here a distro for the Pine64? Well, I have one in a drawer and I want to test it. Nothing better than to release it with this version of KDE+Ubuntu 18.04. |

- Glances, an Eye on your system: Fantastic substitute for htop written in Python that will delight everything sysops. It is multiplatform, has its own API that you can exploit from other applications and a WebUI. | > glances

ANESE (Another NES Emulator): I've been reading the curious feature that this emulator has to generate the scroll maps of some NES games. The best thing is to enter the repo to know what I'm talking about. Would you like a port for the Pi? Come on, encourage me in the comments. | > ANESE
TensorFlow 1.19 compatible with Raspberry Pi: Check out this link and if you use Raspbian 9 Stretch, you can install it running the next two commands in a Terminal:
sudo apt install libatlas-base-dev
pip3 install tensorflow
- Duke Nukem: Alien Armageddon 1.0 Released: ...You wanna dance? |
Tweet of the week thanks to @hackernoon:
Happy weekend!