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Prompts for improving your texts using Artificial Intelligence
I'm the good guy... for now
I'm the good guy... for now. Generated with AI.

All prompts are extracted from the app Fixkey. It's an app that uses AI to help you write better. It provides prompts to improve your writing, fix grammar,... Available for macOS, I use it a lot, but It's a trial version, and unfortunately, I don't have the money to subscribe to the app right now. If you can afford it, I recommend it.

Jose CerrejonAbout 6 minGeneralaiprompts
Read Medium articles for free
Medium post read for free

Just a quick tip If you want to read a Medium article for free, cuz you don't have money to pay for a subscription or you don't want to create an account.

Jose CerrejonLess than 1 minuteGeneralTips
Fix corrupt video files with ffmpeg

I have a video capture device, the kind that records the HDMI output to a flash drive, but maybe because it's not very good, sometimes the videos get corrupted and I can't use them in video editing applications...

Jose CerrejonLess than 1 minuteGeneralGeneral
Best options to use for file/directory compression

Just a quick reminder, If you need the best ratio with different file compression software:

# 7z
7z a -t7z -m0=lzma -mx=9 -mfb=64 -md=32m -ms=on file_compressed.7z file_input
# tar.gz
env GZIP=-9 tar cvzf file_compressed.tar.gz file_input
# zip
zip -9 file_input
# rar
rar a -idq -r -y -m5 file_compressed.rar file_input
# Gzip
gzip -9 file_input

Jose CerrejonLess than 1 minuteAppleGeneralLinuxAppleGeneralLinux
Happy new year!

Well, today, the 31st, believe it or not, I'm working and my wife has been into hospital a few days, but everything is fine now. I hope to have time next year to update the blog more and generate more personal content. I didn't want to leave the year without greeting you. I hope you have a good end and begin of the year, wherever you are.

Jose CerrejonLess than 1 minuteGeneralGeneral
Where am I? In MeWe!

I haven't updated the blog in a while. I'm not going to apologize, you know how it is. I haven't been bored, but my Pi has gone into the background and I need time for other stuff... but opened a channel on the new social network MeWe called Raspberry Pi en Español and I intend to continue writting from there along with whoever wants, news about our beloved Pi.

Jose CerrejonLess than 1 minuteGeneralRaspberry PIGeneralRaspberry PI
Holidays Mode ON

Well, you've seen little activity around here lately. I hope to pick up the momentum but with everything I'm carrying right now, it's very difficult for me to update the blog. I'll drop by from time to time to post a few news items. In fact, next week I'm having a news cocktail as usual. I can only wish you a happy holiday and if you want to tell me something, what are you waiting for? 😛

Jose CerrejonLess than 1 minuteGeneralGeneral
Still alive!

Well, that's the message you get when we haven't updated our blog in a while. I am overwhelmed in every way: new house, new projects, new work...

This morning I got up and set up the blog to finally make it secure, so it will now be accessible using SSL. You can update your bookmarks to while I make some changes here. If you see anything unusual, please send me an email or leave a comment below.

Jose CerrejonLess than 1 minuteGeneralGeneral
General Data Protection Regulation

Well, even if I still don't have the blog adapted for lack of time as usual to use the secure protection layer or SSL, many of us have had to inform our users of what we do with the data we store. In my case, I don't store any information about my users other than Google Analytics to see how many people enter on this blog and from where. For now I've disabled it because I don't know if I should do anything else on the blog in order to have it (anyway, it's always blocked by the adblockerks we all use and I never know for sure if it's true).

Jose CerrejonLess than 1 minuteGeneralGeneral