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How I migrated from PHP to Vuepress 2 (Part II)
Generated by OpenAI's DALL-E and modified later.

This is the second part of the series of articles about how has been the experience of migrating a blog made in PHP + MySQL, to a static one using Vuepress 2. Here I talk about the old code structure and the technology used. Let's go!

Jose CerrejonAbout 3 minDevOpsDeveloperPHPVuepress
How I migrated from PHP to Vuepress 2 (Part I)
This is the only use of AI you will see in this article. Generated by OpenAI's DALL-E and modified later.

It's been 3 years since my last post here. I have been busy with my work and other projects. The new focus I want to give to the blog is going to be a bit different. Less Raspberry Pi (I will tell why later) and more technical.

Jose CerrejonAbout 4 minDevOpsDeveloperPHPVuepress