MEGAPOST. Best of My Notes (2014)
MEGAPOST: Best of My Notes (2014)

This is my post number 500 and'm pretty excited about the blog. Honestly I'm here due to read many comments and compliments from you.
I've selected in this post the best articles as a result of all one year of tutorials, news and tips in this humble blog. So whether you are new or not, I hope you keep visiting me. I still have much to tell you... Let's go!
[ January ]
[ February ]
[ March ]
[ April ]
[ May ]
Survive to the Back Week with a Raspberry Pi: Social Networks and chat
PiKISS for Raspberry Pi: A bunch of scripts with menu to make your life easier
[ June ]
[ July ]
[ August ]
[ September ]
[ October ]
[ November ]
[ December ]
As you can see, it has been a year in which we learned a lot of our favorite board and begin to see others that will mark a fight that has no end. I hope you liked it and if anyone wants to comment me some improvement in the blog, or just say you're a fan, you can do down here...
Happy Christmas and prosper new year!